About Me

I hold a PhD in medical humanities with a major emphasis in ethics. water wall headI began teaching ethics at the college level in 2000. I’m currently semi-retired and can be reached here.

Author page on Huffington Post.

Author page at Good Men Project.

Interview on Hannah’s Bookshelf.

Podcast on Spoken Label.

Write Out Loud profile.

I read three of my own poems and two by authors who inspired me for the Spoken Words event for the Buxton Fringe Festival in 2020.

I have a poem in Coronaverses: Poems from the Pandemic.
You can hear some poems, including mine, here:

I have one poem in Peterloo Poems by Manchester People.

I edited this collection of poems for the 2019 New Mills Festival Poetry Trail.

Two poems in the June issue of Printed Words.

Write Out Loud Poem of the Week “Confessions”

Write Out Loud Poem of the Week “Texas Tornadoes and the Power of Prayer”

Two poems in Please Hear What I’m Not Saying

Three poems in Landscapes.

Paper: Humanism, Empathy, and Moral Progress in Global Trade

Dissertation: Global Health, Social Justice, and Corporate Accountability

Paper: Exploitation in Research: Utilitarian Considerations

Chapter with Howard Brody in Guidance for Hospital Ethics Committees

Article in Fathers and Children: Collapsing Into Paid Employment

Write and Release writers’ group.

Randy’s Vegan Tex-Mex.

2 thoughts on “About Me

  1. The Greying Panther 25/12/2015 / 1:39 am

    Great topic for a blog! Thank you.

    In the old days, before I became a ‘resident’ in a assisted-living facility (isn’t “resident” a strange choice of words implying, as it does, something ‘temporary’… … …not quite a ‘citizen’ [someone with rights]… … …resident equates with a temporary dweller, a nomad, solitary person

    Anyway, here I am, at 72; a retired psychotherapist original board member of The American Counseling Association, Chair of the national examining board for Mental Health Counselors, starting a blog about how to treat assisted-living folks. Like ME!

    Do I sound a bit bitter? It takes a long time to get used to this life, and a have a great deal of family support.

    How to finish? I’ll be looking for more from you. Thanks for the ear.

  2. Larry 30/07/2016 / 10:08 pm

    Hi Randy,
    Happy to see that you are still updating! Hope I’ll have time to read more. 🙂

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